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Server1 Password - This is the password paired with your username above that allows you to access the news server host address you entered above.Sever1 Username - This will also be provided to you by your Usenet provider and is the username you need to access the news server host address you entered above.Later, you can play with the Port and Encryption settings. But, for now, we highly recommend you stick with the default port setting of 119 and get NZBGet up and running. In this case, you would also have to change the Server1 Encryption setting from No to Yes. For example, both Newshosting and Usenet.Farm support port number 563 for encrypted (SSL) connections. If, like Newshosting, your Usenet provider also supports encrypted connections, you can try other port numbers later.

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  • Server1 Port - to keep things easy for now, stick with the default port setting of 119 which almost all Usenet providers support.
  • If your Usenet provider is Newshosting, you can use the news server host address,
  • Server1 Host - this is important and will be provided to you by your Usenet provider.
  • In our example, we entered “Newshosting”. For example, it can be a nickname or abbreviation, if you wish.
  • Server1 Name - this can be anything that helps you identify your main Usenet provider.
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    For all other settings, just leave them as is: To get off to a fast start with NZBGet, you only need to enter the following data.

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